Say Goodbye from District Governor
My Turn to Say Goodbye
This is a bittersweet issue of 'The Bridge' for me - it's the final issue of my year as your District Governor. Mary and I have enjoyed visiting each of our District clubs - getting to know some of you a little bit better. We will miss you.
The strength of our District (and make no mistake, District 6330 is a strong District) lies in our individual Rotarians and Rotary clubs - and the passion we all share for the work that our individual clubs do both in our own communities and internationally.
It has indeed been an honor and a pleasure serving District 6330 during this past year as your District Governor, and although we anticipate taking a bit of a rest, Mary and I will continue to serve in the future.
On June 19 in Chesley, Ontario we pass the baton to DGE Jim Schlatman (and Audrey) who will hit the road running in early July - bringing you the message from RI President Elect Barry Rassin, and challenging you to continue strengthening your clubs.
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